The field is located at 323 McWilson Road Plumerville, AR 72127.
This address has worked on both google and IOS devices.
Please contact us for access to the property, this is private land accessed by an electronic gate.
Coming from Little Rock on I-40 heading north, take exit 117 at Menifee and keep to the right once off the exit. Follow frontage road to Wert Ln, first left. Follow Wert Ln to McWilson Rd that will take you to the field entrance.
Power is available.
We are an FAA approved flying site, remote ID is not required when flying at the Sky Tigers Field.
This address has worked on both google and IOS devices.
Please contact us for access to the property, this is private land accessed by an electronic gate.
Coming from Little Rock on I-40 heading north, take exit 117 at Menifee and keep to the right once off the exit. Follow frontage road to Wert Ln, first left. Follow Wert Ln to McWilson Rd that will take you to the field entrance.
Power is available.
We are an FAA approved flying site, remote ID is not required when flying at the Sky Tigers Field.